LinkedIn and X analytics

Track engagement and leads in one place

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Create content based on data-driven insights

Analyze your performance with advanced LinkedIn and X analytics to understand your audience and optimize your strategy to get better results.

With ContentRadar get an overview of all your analytics in one place.

See changes over time

Keep track of changes in your engagement metrics over different periods to optimize your strategy.

CRM integration

Add potential customers identified on LinkedIn directly to your Hubspot CRM.

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Track engagement, qualify leads


Measure your content's visibility by tracking reach to see the extent of your audience exposure.


Identify which CTA worked the best for you by measuring clicks.


Assess audience approval and interest by analyzing likes to understand how well your content resonates.


Understand audience sentiment by analyzing the volume and nature of comments.


Spot your most impactful content by seeing which posts are shared the most.

New followers

Track your followers in a sleek dashboard to get an overview of your content performance.

Engagement rate

Evaluate campaign effectiveness by comparing the engagement rate across different posts.

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Get started now

Sign up to our early beta and start scaling your online presence on LinkedIn and X (Twitter).

Sign up to early beta

Perfect for

Startup founders

B2B content creators

Copywriters & ghostwriters

Social media managers

Community leads