Unboxing AI in your content marketing toolkit

Trisha Sinha

Trisha Sinha

Trisha Sinha

Jul 25, 2024

Remember when Google mentioned “AI” more than 120 times within a matter of two hours in its keynote I/O event? A bit too much or worth the hype? The integration of AI in marketing has certainly caused a storm, but how many marketers actually use AI to its full potential? According to HubSpot, there are still 37% of marketers who have not invested in AI. The hesitation often revolves around concerns about dependency and the accuracy of AI tools.

Let’s dive into understanding the use of AI in content marketing and how you can optimize it to work smarter, not harder.

Understanding the role of AI in content marketing

Is the role of AI to replace humans or to assist them? As marketers, we often find ourselves in this conundrum. However, once you understand AI’s role, it becomes clear that the latter is true. AI is here to assist, not replace.

AI as an assistant, not a replacement

Marketers spend an average of 5 hours per day on tasks that can be automated, such as creating posts from scratch, manually posting, and data analysis. These tasks take significant amounts of time that could be better spent strategizing, brainstorming, and engaging in activities that cannot be delegated to AI.

So, what are the tasks that AI can assist marketers with?

Think of AI as your intelligent assistant, freeing you to focus on the strategy of marketing and not implementation. It’s not just about doing things faster; it’s about doing them better with more precision.

According to a recent study, AI in marketing is projected to grow from $15.84 billion in 2021 to $107.5 billion by 2028. This growth shows how essential AI is becoming in the marketing landscape by automating repetitive tasks, and generating creative content solutions.

Let’s unbox your AI content marketing toolkit

Here are five ways these clever AI tools can streamline your workflow and help you create content that resonates:

1. AI content creation

Given the growth in AI, there are plenty of tools supporting every form of content, from text to images to videos. Creating high-quality content across all these formats manually can be a daunting task. This is where you can leverage AI to ease the burden.

AI Writing Tools: Tools like ChatGPT, Jasper, and Copy.ai can assist in generating text content quickly, helping you craft everything from blog posts to social media updates. These tools analyze existing content and patterns to create text that aligns with your brand's tone and style.

AI Video and Image Tool: Platforms like Canva, DALL.E and Descript use AI to help create engaging visuals and videos with minimal effort. These tools can turn a blog post into an engaging video or create stunning graphics in minutes.

2. Content planning tools

Staying organized and consistent with your content marketing efforts is crucial. AI scheduling tools can help you plan and schedule your content across various social media platforms, saving you time and ensuring a steady flow of content for your audience.

Focus on Strategy, Not Scheduling: By automating your social media scheduling, you free up time to focus on creating high-quality content and strategizing your overall content marketing approach Tools like ContentRadar integrate with your existing tools, workflows, and platforms hence streamlining your content creation and orchestration process. It offers a holistic content calendar with an overview of upcoming posts, a platform the post is scheduled on, and content labels. Workspaces help teams easily collaborate by adding multiple users and internal approving systems to streamline the flow of content publishing.

3. AI-driven SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a critical part of content marketing, and AI is revolutionizing how we approach it. AI tools can help you optimize your content for search engines more efficiently and accurately than manual methods.

Keyword Research: AI tools like SEMrush and Hyperseo can analyze search data to identify the best keywords for your content, helping you rank higher in search results.

4. Repurpose content with AI

Creating new content every time is not only time-consuming but also an underutilization of your existing content. Repurposing is about taking your ideas and bundling them into new, exciting formats that reach different audiences.

AI-Powered Repurposing Tools: Tools like ContentRadar can automatically convert blog posts into bite sized social media posts and can help you find the best parts of your content to share across social media.

Content Recycling Strategy: Creating a content calendar that includes repurposing plans is an effective way to integrate repurposing into your overall content strategy. AI can help identify high-performing content that can be reused or repackaged into different formats.

Quick and Efficient: With AI, repurposing content becomes a quick and efficient process. You can transform a blog post into a series of tweets, an infographic, or a video with just a few clicks.

5. AI for real-time engagement

Engaging with your audience in real-time is essential for building relationships and fostering community. AI tools can help you manage and optimize your engagement efforts.

Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots can handle customer inquiries, provide personalized recommendations, and engage with users 24/7. Platforms like Drift and Intercom offer advanced chatbots that can simulate human-like conversations.

Social Listening: AI tools can monitor social media platforms for mentions of your brand, industry trends, and competitor activity. This allows you to engage with your audience in real-time and respond to emerging trends.

Get Best Results with AI Using These Tips

To maximize the effectiveness of AI in content marketing, follow these best practices to ensure your AI tools are working in harmony with your brand's goals.

Train Your AI

AI tools are powerful learners, but they need your guidance to understand your brand voice and style. Feed your AI content examples that reflect your brand's personality. This could be blog posts, social media captions, or even past marketing materials. The more AI ingests your content, the better it will understand your unique voice and tone.

Create Style Guides: Develop a style guide that outlines your brand’s tone, voice, and messaging preferences. Share this guide with your AI tools to ensure consistency across all content.

Continuous Training: Regularly update your AI tools with new content examples and feedback. This helps AI adapt to changes in your brand strategy and ensures it continues to align with your goals.

Maintain Human Oversight: AI excels at automation and data analysis, but it can't replace the human touch. Always review and edit content generated by AI tools. Ensure the information is accurate, the tone aligns with your brand, and your unique voice shines through.

Quality Control: Implement a review process where human editors assess AI-generated content for accuracy, relevance, and quality. This ensures that your content maintains a high standard.

Ensure Data Privacy and Security

Maintaining data privacy and security is paramount when using AI. AI systems need to comply with regulations like GDPR or CCPA and implement extensive security measures to protect customer data.

User Consent and Transparency: Always inform your users about how their data will be used by AI tools. Transparency helps build trust and ensures compliance with privacy regulations.

Embrace the AI Advantage

AI is not just a buzzword but a powerful tool that can transform your content marketing strategy. By understanding AI’s role, leveraging its capabilities, and following best practices, you can enhance your content creation process, optimize your marketing efforts, and engage your audience more effectively.

Embrace AI as your intelligent assistant, not a replacement. Utilize it to automate repetitive tasks, gain deeper insights, and create personalized, high-quality content. Remember, while AI can handle the heavy lifting, the human touch remains essential for creativity, strategy, and ethical oversight.

As AI continues to grow, keeping yourself informed about the latest developments and best practices will help you stay at the forefront of content marketing in the AI era. So, let’s unbox your AI tool kit and watch your content marketing efforts soar to success. With AI, sky's the limit!